Saturday, July 18, 2015

It's County Fair Time!

It's time for the County Fair and there's lots of things I love about it.  Most of all the grand kids come visit for the week or depending on their swim class schedules and things they come for at least a few days.  I take vacation for the week and this year I REALLY need it.

I love seeing all the wonderful projects people enter.  There are so many terrific things to see and be inspired by.  The anticipation of winning a ribbon on my own entries is always fun.  Riding the rides with my grand kids.  Walking through the livestock areas and seeing how well the 4-H kids have done raising their animals. The rodeo and entertainment is always great to watch. This year our granddaughter wants to enter the pig catching contest.  She has decided that if she catches a pig then Grandpa can raise it for her.  They live in an apartment so Grandpa has agreed if she catches one he will raise it for her.   She says they are so cute when they are babies but when they grow up they become bacon and she loves bacon.  And of course, last but certainly not least the food.  There is always something you can only seem to get once a year at the fair.  For us it's paying a visit to the Scone trailer.  They have the best, great big scones (they cover a paper plate) and you choose what topping you want on it.  Marion Berry is always a favorite.

So, today I'll be baking because I plan to enter some whole wheat bread, banana bread and oatmeal cookies.  I'll also be entering 4 photographs. I'm not a photographer but over the past year I happened to take some pretty cool pictures when I was out and about (I did it on my cell phone too).  What the heck, it doesn't cost anything to enter them so we'll see what happens. I don't expect to get a ribbon on them I just want to see if they get any points. I'll be entering a dozen eggs from our chickens too. Last year I got a 3rd place ribbon so this year I hope to get 2nd or 1st on them.  AND of course I have a list of about 15 canned goods entries to gather up and get ready to go.  I love to get ribbons on my canned goods because that's really my passion.

So off I go.  I'll be busy today because the entries for the fair have to be there tomorrow (Sunday), the judging is on Monday and the fair opens on Tuesday.

Tuesday, July 14, 2015

Bacon Jam - Only in the fridge!

Recently I was walking through the local Farmer's Market.  I noticed some Bacon Jam for sale at one of the booths.  I asked how it had been processed and the person behind the table said "What do you mean?" I asked if it had been processed in a pressure canner.  She replied "Oh, no it isn't."  She also had no idea what the recipe was.  So, this is meat (low acid food) and she said it isn't processed in a pressure canner. If it isn't processed in a pressure canner then what would the vinegar ratio for a recipe like this be?  It was for sale out there with pretty little labels on the jars.  Maybe those pretty little labels should be a skull and cross bones.  I know that sounds dramatic but honestly this low acid food even though I'm sure it must contain vinegar has to have some specific vinegar ratio or pressure canning guidelines to be a safe product.

So I checked it out and low and behold there are lots and lots of Bacon Jam recipes out there.  Just look online.  You'll see them from All Recipes to Martha Stewart.  But none of the ones I found have any processing  (boil water or pressure canning) instructions.  They all say to store the Bacon Jam in the fridge for 2 - 4 weeks or freeze it.  NO CANNING GUIDELINES!  I called the local extension office to find out if Bacon Jam is safe.  The research  they found also says it is not to be stored at room temperature but refrigerated or frozen instead.

So how was this Bacon Jam being sold on a table, sealed airtight, in the warm sunlight, at the Farmer's Market?  That's a good question.  It's hard for the people who organize those things to know every thing that every booth is selling.  It's pretty much up to the people at the booth to make sure what they sell is safe. But what that tells me is in the end it's really up to each of us to remember to question products.  Especially ones that are home made and sold at places like farmer's markets. I understand our local Extension Office notified the organizer of the Farmer's Market which is the responsible thing to do. If the people selling the Bacon Jam can prove it's processing method and it's safety then so be it.

Remember - Danger Never Takes A Day Off.  Just because you see it for sale doesn't make it safe.

Wednesday, July 8, 2015

There's nothing like having a quick and easy meal ready to go!

I canned Kidney Beans in Spicy Tomato Juice last night.  There was a bit left over that I didn't can because there really wasn't enough to make a full canner load.  So tonight I used that added to some sausage and poured over rice. It turned out great!  I used up the stuff I didn't get canned but I know that any time I want I can make this meal again using the jars right off my food storage shelves.  I love it!

Thursday, July 2, 2015

I LOVE canning dry beans!

I helped at a workshop last weekend where we taught people how to can dried beans.  I forgot how much I love having home canned beans in my pantry.  Last night for dinner I opened a jar of Scarlet Runners I canned last year.  I cooked them with some chopped onion and served them as a side dish.  They were DELISH!

So this weekend I think I'll can some more dried beans.  It's super easy. First you soak them overnight. Then you drain the soaking water off them and put them in a pot covered by fresh water with about an extra inch over the top of the beans.  Boil them for about 30 minutes. Then put the hot beans in hot jars and fill with boiling water then remove the air bubbles.  Add a little salt if you want.  Wipe the rims of the jars and put the lids on. Then pressure can them according to the time and pressure requirements for your altitude (look that up with an approved resource like the Ball Blue Book).  They are so good as a side dish or added to a casserole or soup.

I'm going to do a couple different things to the beans I can.  I think I'll add a little chopped onion to them and some spices then instead of using water as the liquid I think I'll use tomato juice. Those will be perfect as the beginning of several meals.  Just imagine browning some good sausage chunks then adding one of these jars of beans with tomato and spices. Once that's hot and a little thicker it would be perfect over rice.  Kind of like a quick and easy Red Beans and Rice dish.

Now that's a great idea!