Sunday, November 26, 2017

Late night thinking....

So here I sit at 1:50 a.m.  There's no real reason for me to be up I just can't sleep.  It's ok though because it's quiet and I can work on my 2leelou Preserves things without any distractions.  I have been looking at lots of recipes to make in my Instant Pot.  I just can't decide because everything looks so yummy!

I am also gathering information to put together a workshop.  On Jan 20th I will be doing a workshop called "Your Convenient Kitchen".  It's the perfect workshop for after the Holidays.  Lots of people will get new Instant Pots and other kitchen things and this workshop will help everyone get the full benefit of those new goodies. 

We will talk about lots of things, not just Instant Pots.  For instance, there are lots of things you can do with a slow cooker or even a rice cooker.  Did you know you can cook a main course in a rice cooker?  It's not just for cooking rice.  You can even make custards and cakes in them! 

Then of course, which appliance uses the least amount of energy?  Which one retains the most nutrients?  See, these are the things that really surprise people.  And when you know more you can get more use out of an appliance. 

I'm really excited to do this workshop.  It's so much fun to stand in front of a group of people and watch their faces when you teach them something that totally blows their minds.  I love it.

It actually happens a lot in the Dehydration workshop. When I explain how to dehydrate cooked pasta and then the participants see it they are amazed. 

Anyway, having the workshop in January will really help get 2018 off to a good start.  2017 has not been my favorite year by any means and I'll be so glad to have a new year.  And to get 2018 off to a great start I hope you all get some new fun kitchen goodies for the Holidays and learn all the fun ways to use them!


  1. Wish I lived close enough to attend your workshops. It sounds like it will be such a fun informative class.
