Sunday, September 27, 2015

Understanding Approved Methods.

Nobody is perfect but I just cringe when I see some of the things about canning posted on the internet. Honestly I think a lot of the people who make videos without using approved methods really aren't trying to prove a method wrong they just don't understand the principles behind why a method is or is not approved.

 For instance, skins left on when they should be removed are a big danger because there is too much possibility of micro amounts of dirt that can still be on them. That dirt can be in a crease in the skin that may not be able to get thoroughly washed out. Take a look at a carrot, they are not smooth, they have those little ridges on them. So do potatoes. Peeling things like carrots and potatoes remove those little creases and therefore help remove the potential of those itty-bitty-smaller-than-the-eye-can-see particles of dirt.

It's common to see videos where people do other things like dry can ground beef. Again, I think they do that because they don't understand the process. It's assumed that it's the time and heat alone that makes the food safe. But think about this, have you ever opened any store bought can of anything (nuts are different) that was dry inside? Nope, they always have liquid in them. Know why? Because the liquid is the vehicle that penetrates all the areas of the food. If you have a jar full of ground beef with no added liquid the meat particles just sit there. As one piece sits on another the area between them may never get hot enough for long enough. That's where the use of the liquid comes in. The liquid gets hot quickly, so hot it boils and jiggles the food in the jar so the food moves around and the heat gets between all the food pieces, no matter how small they are. See, now it makes sense doesn't it? It's very simple but a lot of people never consider it.

 That might give you some idea of why I am so dedicated to using approved methods. I wanted to share this info because one of my You Tube subscribers, Melody Capehart Medina, sent me this link about a very recent, very scary, botulism outbreak. No kidding folks, none of this would have happened if the proper method to can the potatoes had been followed.

I know, I know, I sound like a Negative Nelly but really I'm not. There has been a renewed interest in food preservation. It's easy to see how much more interest there is now. Look at things like Ball revamping their books to make them more up to date looking. They have even come out with three different colors of jars to make canning more appealing and fun instead of what may have been considered a chore in the past. If they want to encourage more and more people to can why on earth would they find ways to make it more of a hassle? Nobody would. They would be looking for ways to make it quicker, easier and more convenient.

 So, until an approved method comes up with an easier way to can something, do the extra work required to make sure it is safely canned. It's well worth it in the long run. And think about how proud you will be when you share your beautiful home canned goods knowing you've done everything right!
                                                      YEA for you, everyone will love you for it.


  1. Melody Capehart MedinaSeptember 27, 2015 at 9:07 PM

    I am still looking for the button to Subscribe. I hope you will in time link this to all your wonderful Video's on canning and everything else you show on Youtube. When people can link them both together they will be amazed at what a talent you share with everyone. Now I have to figure out how my comments are listed first under my backgammon playing name LOL

    1. I'm still learning and would like to put a link to my You Tube channel too. I will as soon as I figure it out. Until then on the right side under the picture of my canning lady there is a link that says 'Follow this Blog' you are supposed to be able to click that to become a follower. Under that there is also a link that says "Join this Site" . I see there is already one follower there so it must be working. As long as you have a google account you should be able to connect with that. Give it a try. I hope to see you as a follower soon.

  2. I know what you mean about seeing videos of people not using approved methods. I have seen some that just scared me to death to think of anyone having to eat what they "preserved." *shudders* I have even stopped canning with my neighbor who got me started because she does some things that I have learned really are not safe. I don't care that she's done it that way since she was a child. I've only been canning for about 4 years now but I check several sources when I am unsure of something in a canning recipe. Ball Blue Book first and then Putting Food By.
