Wednesday, August 26, 2015

Chicken Lessons

Every day when I go check on our chickens they run to me as if to say "Hi! What's going on?" They are curious about what I'm doing. They are happy when I talk to them and tell them what I'm doing. They are interested in what I have to say.

Not only that, they are satisfied with what they have. They are low maintenance. They don't complain about what they have or want more than they need.

I guess what it boils down to is that they are happy little creatures that appreciate others and are grateful for what they have. Maybe some people could learn a little from chickens.

1 comment:

  1. Melody Capehart MedinaSeptember 28, 2015 at 1:01 PM

    I've always had big laying hens for eggs and meat. The boys got bored with that and begged me to get something different so I ordered 25 assorted Bantams. We had no idea what we would get and when they arrived they were so tiny and cute someone was holding them all the time. As they got older they would run to us whenever we went outside and follow us everywhere. I had a rocker by the pond and when I'd sit to just be quite and ponder some would get up on the arms to sit close some would sit on the bent legs just to rock but two of them always got on my shoulders and sit down just like that was where they belonged. So social those little chickens were and just plain sweet.
